Conferences, Meetings and Seminars

Science and Literature in Russia and Eastern Europe Conference

The study of a reciprocal influence between science and literature has been gaining traction in recent years. Both scholarly and public interest in how science and literary culture interact has grown exponentially over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, scientific knowledge has circulated, changed, and taken shape in literary and artistic outlets since the emergence of modern science.

Intersections Conference: Dialogues on Memory, Restitution, and Justice

The INTERSECTIONS Conference is thrilled to present Yale Law School’s first student-run art law conference on Friday, March 3rd at the Sterling Law Building in New Haven, CT. The theme for INTERSECTIONS this year is “Dialogues on Memory, Restitution, and Justice,” given the recent focus by governments, public institutions, and advocates on questions of repatriation and memory.

Balkan Communism Revisited

In the past few years there has been a revived interest in how international Communism affected politics and society in the Balkan region during the Cold War. Most importantly, new research has convincingly shown that Soviet control was not uniform in the region and that the cracks that appeared on the surface of the Soviet bloc merit investigation as they expose significant differences at the societal, political, and cultural level.

The Imperial Plow: Settler Colonialism in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union Conference

The Imperial Plow: Settler Colonialism in the Russian Empire & the Soviet Union Conference
Monday, May 1
10:00 Welcome By Claire Roosien and Edyta Bojanowska
10:15 Panel 1: Theories and Temporalities
Discussant: Jane Burbank (NYU)
Chair: Nana Osei Quarshie (Yale)
Michael Khodarkovsky (Loyola Univ., Chicago), “The Cannon and the Plow: Transforming Imperial Frontiers into Colonial Borderlands”
Sergei Glebov (Smith College), “Paradoxes of Settler Colonialism: Imperial Far East, 1850-1940”

Info Session: European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies Student Grants & FLAS Fellowships

The European Studies Council of the Yale MacMillan Center will host an info session regarding all the student funding opportunities offered in European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies for the upcoming summer including the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS).
For the list of fellowships available for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, see
Friday, February 10, 2023 12:30pm lunch & @ 12:45 session starts

European Studies Graduate Fellows 2023 Conference

Conference Schedule
Location: Henry R. Luce Hall, Rm 203, (2nd fl.) 34 Hillhouse Ave.
Register to attend on Zoom:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
9:00 AM Breakfast
9:45 AM Welcome Remarks
10:00 - 11:30 AM Panel 1: Europe Facing the Revival of Realism: the Metamorphosis of a Giant Peacekeeper?
Chair: Iris del Pino García Saavedra, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Discussant: Professor Paul Franks,Yale University

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