Panel Discussions and Roundtables

Vilnius 700

October 12-13, 2023
In 2023, Vilnius turns 700. The first mention of Vilnius dates to the letter sent by the Grand Duke Gediminas to the cities of Lübeck, Bremen, and others on January 25, 1323. The official commemoration program ‘Vilnius – 700 years young’ by Vilnius City Municipality runs through the entire 2023.

Vilnius 700 Symposium

October 12-13, 2023
This two-day symposium brings together thinkers and writers engaged in the history and life of Vilnius to reflect on the role, space, and place of the city and its peoples. Vilnius encompasses centuries-long historical, cultural, and political significance to many nations of Central and Eastern Europe including Lithuanians, Poles, Jews, Belarusians, and others. The goal of the Vilnius 700 symposium at Yale is to reach for a better understanding of Vilnius both as a place and as an idea, a city with a multiplicity of peoples and voices – a wealth of polyphony.

Visions of Ecology on Art and the Environment in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, EVENT #5: Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe panel

Barbora Bartunkova (Ph.D. Candidate, Yale University)
“Post-Apocalyptic Ecologies: The End of August at the Hotel Ozone (1966) and the Czechoslovak New Wave”
Masha Shpolberg (Assistant Professor, Bard College)
“Chernobyl and the Crafting of a Soviet Nuclear Imaginary”
Katie Trumpener (Professor, Yale University)
“Dead Landscape, Deserted Village: Filming East German Ecology Before and After 1989”
Reception to follow.
Henry R. Luce Hall
LUCE 101 (Auditorium)

Will Putin's Invasion Spur More Countries to Acquire Nuclear Weapons?

The Jackson School of Global Affairs will host a talk with Robert Einhorn, senior fellow at the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology of the Brookings Institution.
In his remarks, Einhorn will address the question, “Will Putin’s Invasion Spur More Countries to Acquire Nuclear Weapons?”
The event is part of the school’s Sunrise Foundation Lecture Series, which addresses policy issues especially pertinent to emerging economies.

One Year of Defense of Ukraine Panel

Ukraine House at Yale presents
One Year into Ukraine’s Defense of Freedom
Friday, February 24th, 12 p.m. In-Person, Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Rm 102
The 24th of February will mark the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion.
On this day, Professor Timothy Snyder and Deputy Mayor of Kyiv Konstantin Usov will have a discussion moderated by Professor Marci Shore.
Space is limited, so we are asking all invited Yale students and faculty to fill out this form so that we may evenly distribute spots at the in-person event.

If These Walls Could Sing

This director’s talk and advanced screening of the upcoming film “If These Walls Could Sing,” from Disney Original Documentary, gives exclusive access to the most famous and longest-running studio in the world, Abbey Road Studios. In this personal film of memory and discovery, director Mary McCartney guides us through nine decades to tell the stories of some of the studio’s most iconic recordings — and the people who made them happen. Discussion moderated by Rachel Fine, executive director of Yale Schwarzman Center.

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