
PRFDHR Seminar: AI, Digital Identities, Biometrics, Blockchain: How the Use of Technology is Changing Migration Globally, Dr. Raphaela Schweiger

The seminar led by Dr. Raphaela Schweiger will delve into the profound impacts of digitalization and technological advancements on migration and refugee policies. In a world shaped by rapid technological change, this seminar offers an exploration of the evolving landscape, both globally and in some specific cases in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Technology has already begun reshaping the experiences of migrants, refugees, and those on the move.

THE GREEN RAY (Le Rayon vert, 1986, Éric Rohmer)

From Rohmer’s “Comedies and Proverbs” cycle, THE GREEN RAY follows the independent but insecure Delphine (Marie Rivière), a newly single young Parisian who cannot find a holiday companion for the month of August, as she meets and rejects, glides and stumbles in her longing for connection. Overhearing a discussion of Jules Verne’s THE GREEN RAY, Delphine becomes fascinated with seeing the elusive meteorological event and the promise that comes with it.

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