
2024 World Refugee Day - Food Bazaar

Join us on June 20th, 2024 for a heartwarming celebration of World Refugee Day! Let’s honor the resilience and strength of those forced to flee with a delightful culinary journey. Indulge in the rich flavors of Syrian, Afghan, and Senegalese cuisine at Sanctuary Kitchen, savor authentic Ethiopian dishes at Lalibella, and treat yourself to heavenly sweet delights and refreshing hibiscus tea at Havenly Treats. Let’s come together, share stories, and support our refugee communities with love and compassion.

PRFDHR Seminar: "Ideological Migrants” to Russia: Examining How Disillusionment Motivates Migration, Professor Lauren Woodard

Russia is the world’s fourth top migration destination. While most migrate to Russia from other post-Soviet countries, a small but highly visible group of the Russian-speaking diaspora has migrated from Europe and North and South America. Lauded in Russian media as “ideological migrants,” the Kremlin claims that they flee liberalism and oppression by the transnational elite. This presentation by Professor Lauren Woodard asks, what really motivates their migration?

PRFDHR Seminar: Native Bias: Overcoming Discrimination Against Immigrants, Professor Nicholas Sambanis

In the aftermath of the refugee crisis caused by conflicts in the Middle East and an increase in migration to Europe, European nations have witnessed a surge in discrimination targeted at immigrant minorities. Drawing from original surveys, survey experiments, and novel field experiments, Professor Sambanis will discuss his recent book with co-authors Donghyun Danny Choi and Mathias Poertner.

Russian Émigrés and their Impact in Interwar Greece

The victory of the Bolshevik Red Army over its opponents forced thousands of Russians to abandon their homes and pursue their lives in exile. Embarking on a long period of transit, former subjects of the Russian Empire spread across the five continents and established diasporic communities, known as Russia Abroad. This presentation will focus on one of the stops on their journey ––Greece––and will attempt to reconstruct the experiences of Russian émigrés in a country afflicted by its own refugee crisis.

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