
Yale-Universidad Católica de Valencia: Global Governance Debate

Yale-Universidad Católica de Valencia: Global Governance Debate
Join us for the fourth Global Governance Debate in collaboration with Yale and Universidad Católica de Valencia students. This two-day event is on healthcare with Friday, February 26 in English and Saturday, February 27 session in Spanish.
February 26: Should there be a global governance for healthcare? (Panel discussion conducted in English)
February 27: ¿Será el COVID-19 el final de la globalización? (Panel discussion conducted in Spanish)

The Heart of Fiction

Pulitzer Prize finalist Hernan Diaz to deliver spring 2021 Finzi-Contini Lecture
Why dwell on made-up stories? Why make them up in the first place? Can fiction, that pack of lies, aspire to some form of truth? Award-winning novelist Hernan Diaz will present a Finzi-Contini lecture titled “The Heart of Fiction” on Tuesday, March 16, at 4:30 pm EST via Zoom.

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