All Ages

PRFDHR Seminar: Global Mobile Inventors, Dr. Dany Bahar

Dr. Bahar will present a comprehensive study on the dynamics of knowledge production and diffusion linked to global mobile inventors (GMIs). Together with his co-authors, Dr Bahar finds that GMIs are essential team members of the first few patents in technology classes new to the country of residence as compared to patents filed at later stages. They interpret these results as tangible evidence of GMIs facilitating the technology-specific diffusion of knowledge across nations.

PRFDHR Seminar: When does Migration Law Discriminate against Women?, Dr. Catherine Briddick

It is possible to identify gendered disadvantage at almost every point in a migrant woman’s journey, physical and legal, from country of origin to country of destination, from admission to naturalization. Rules which explicitly distribute migration opportunities differently on the grounds of sex/gender, such as prohibitions on certain women’s emigration, may produce such disadvantage. Women may also, however, be disadvantaged by facially gender-neutral rules.

Yale-Universidad Católica de Valencia: Global Governance Debate

Yale-Universidad Católica de Valencia: Global Governance Debate
Join us for the fourth Global Governance Debate in collaboration with Yale and Universidad Católica de Valencia students. This two-day event is on healthcare with Friday, February 26 in English and Saturday, February 27 session in Spanish.
February 26: Should there be a global governance for healthcare? (Panel discussion conducted in English)
February 27: ¿Será el COVID-19 el final de la globalización? (Panel discussion conducted in Spanish)

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